Pronghorn Migration Study featured in High Country News

The latest issue of High Country News features wildlife migration. One article describes the importance of private lands for sustaining pronghorn migration. This article mentions the pronghorn migration study conducted by the Lava Lake Institute, in partnership with the Pioneers Alliance.

To read the article click here.

First levy project approved in Blaine County

The Blaine County Commissioners have approved the first levy project. The grant awarded will contribute to the protection of over 1,000 acres on Flat Top Ranch in Southern, Idaho and sustain a conservation easement that helps to protect an important corridor for pronghorn migration. The money was funded by the Blaine County Land, Water and Wildlife Levy. Read the full article in the Idaho Mt. Express:

Blaine County LAB Now Accepting Pre-Applications

The Blaine County Land Advisory Board (LAB) is now accepting pre-applications for its Blaine County Land Water and Wildlife Program. Landowners can review the program guide here, which provides background information on the LAB, the Land, Water and Wildlife Program, as well as information on how the LAB will make funding decisions. The LAB is looking for landowners interested in finding funding for projects that fulfill its mission “to protect lands and water quality in the Big Wood and Little Wood River valleys, protect wildlife habitat throughout the county, and protect working farms and ranches in the county.”

After reviewing this information, landowners can complete a pre-application here. The LAB accepts pre-applications at any time and will evaluate them every month. After the LAB reviews a pre-application, they can recommend that the project complete a full application. The Blaine County LAB website has full information on the entire application and funding process, along with all necessary documents here.